Everyone thought some building in Taman Melati had caught fire (see the black smoke) but it was actually mosquito repellent LMAO

Taken from the bus stop near home. Clouds have covered the mountain peak.

Love this picture. Doom is coming =)

Yeay McVities Caramel Digestives! *licks fingers*

Eh. browsed through the folder and found this. Hard solid proof that boys will always be boys. They were concentrating so hard on the game and did not bother about anything else. And to think that they are close to 20 years old ._.

Went to Times Square just now, and my friend found this brochure/leaflet from somewhere, stating details about PARAN's live in Malaysia. But err... I pity them la. Who's gonna go? Even very established stars like DBSK's concert wasn't fully seated (maybe just a little more than half).
Plus their tickets are like super expensive, for the concert lah, not showcase and fans meeting. The cheapest seats are RM180. Would that many people fish out 180 bucks to see someone they're only vaguely interested in? Eh but lah, the fans meeting and private showcase's price is okay. What's a private showcase anyway?
I thought at least I had the chance to go to the airport for their arrival lah. Bagi support sikit kan. But after seeing the leaflet I realized I'm not in Malaysia at the time. ZZZZZZZZ bad timing. Luckily it's only PARAN. Tak payah self-stab.
My randomness is kicking in. I taught my mom how to say 10jeom manjeome 10jeom =D And she totally loves loves loves (hearts a gabazillion times) the song!
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