Day 1 - Arrival [27-03-2008]
Got some news that FT would be arriving around 4-5 pm, so I went to the airport together with Jel, Jie Ying and Madelyn. I wore my super colourful striped t-shirt on purpose so that I will stand out among the crowd. Attention seeker, I know =P JieYing (angel =D) drove all of us there (thank you <3! At least the memories in the airport were happy ones!)
When we arrived, we see only a handful of possible PRIs waiting. How sad. Luckily more and more PRIs arrived. Met Kelly and her sister and we waited for some time. One of those lady employees in KLIA came over and asked us who these boys were and told us she saw the handsome boys already. HAHAHAHA imagine us screaming when we heard that. And she also told us one of them wore a green hat (I think she meant HongKi, who wore a yellow-greenish[?] hat) and we kept craning our necks for any sign of handsome guys wearing green hat.
When I heard screaming from the other side, I knew fans had spotted FT and I'm bound to see them any time soon. Lousy me got no camera with me aiyor. Finally saw them walking out, but where was JongHun? If anyone hears a random who keeps screaming 종훈어디요? in videos, that's me ._. And I hear myself in a lot of videos. I swear, I did not mean to be THAT loud. *sweat* Anyway, I followed them to the lift, and in fancams, apparently I was still asking around for JongHun. I totally forgot.
I tried to take pictures but gave up cuz my handphone sucks.

The type of pictures I take with my handphone. I don't think anyone would know who is who except for me. Lucky for me, I met a very kind and sweet fellow Primadonna who shared her pictures with me! It's not much but I really appreciate it! Thank you Chui Leng! =D

Okay, the doors to the lift closed and all fans went for the escalator. I tried to look for Jel and JieYing but cannot spot them anywhere. Called Jel and found out she's already at the bus spot ._. Guess they know how to stalk FT better than me hor.
So I made my way to the escalator with another group of PRIs, and an air stewardess was blocking our way with her huge pile of luggage on trolley. She seemed apologetic cuz she knows we're in a hurry, but she could do nothing. Anyway, she asked us who those boys were and told us she was in the same flight as them. I remember someone asking her whether the boys were in business or economic flight, but I forgot her answer HEH. And I remember asking her whether the boys were sweet or not and you know what the hell she answered? She gave me this sweet little practiced smile and said "Well..." and walked off. WTF give a proper answer la woi.
When I reached there, the first thing I heard was an Indian scolding around. Seems like he was mad at us fangirls for blocking his way, he wanted to drive his bus away or something. Who cares when we've got FT *bluek =Þ* I then walked off only to find HongKi coming out of the bus and walking towards my direction. I didn't know what to do. Should I stay and watch him walk pass me? I chose not to care and walked back towards the bus instead.

HongKi seems mad and he searched among the luggages for something (searching for his camera - according to other fans). I stayed beside the bus and saw Kelly. And she told she gave her purple bear pen[?] and her lanyard[??] to WonBin. HAHA so weird but cute.
I could hear commotion on the other side of the bus. There were not a lot of fans where I was standing

The always cute 막내
What happened next was kinda blurry, cuz nothing exciting or worth remembering happened. Umm... HongKi got back to the bus, and MinHwan's side of the bus got full of fans. I stood quite a distance from them, and since I already have a bow from MinHwan, I'm satisfied for the day =)
We then see the bus take off, and MinHwan waved goodbye to us. The craziness in me made me jump around and waved back at MinHwan. I was standing in front of all the other fans, so I don't know what they did. But I guess MinHwan saw this crazy 누나 wearing rainbow coloured t-shirt jumping up and down and waving like mad at him. HEHE not a nice sight to see =_="
We walked back to the arrival gate and planned to wait for JongHun. We talked to the guards and one of them told us JongHun got stuck in customs and couldn't get through, so he flew back to Korea. All of us went hysterical, we screamed, shouted, and the guards laughed at our reaction. He then conveniently told us he was joking. Not funny okay security ajusshi! We went back home soon after, cuz JieYing wasn't feeling so well. And FT already left without JongHun anyway, so what's the point of waiting?
It was my first experience welcoming stars like this. I am not THIS fangirly most of the time. Thank you Jel ._. This was really 'unforgettable' yea? LOL
I remember more and more as I write =) Will continue writing the rest tomorrow probably. Have to get some rest for my eyes now @_@
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