I've learned from time and time again that patience pays off. Acting rashly on impulse, without thinking, just plonking myself headlong into a particular idea, object, or anything else for that matter... I would come to regret them sooner or later. For most of the time anyway.
I remember going shopping with this friend of mine, who had a particular shoe in mind that she really liked. She only saw it once on ebay or something, but she was intent on getting it in Malaysia. The shoe she had in mind was pumps, slightly round edged, with a strap across the middle. We went to lots of shops and saw lots of similar shoes, but she wasn't satisfied because it isn't the same.
I saw lots of pumps with straps across the middle, only a little slight difference to each of them. She saw one that she liked, but was sharp edged, so that was a no. Another that I pointed out to her, she disliked because it was peep-toe. Another we managed to find, was round edged, with colours she liked AND straps as well, but she complained the straps were in the wrong place. She wanted the straps half an inch higher near to her ankle. We went in to every single shoe shop in the nearby shopping malls, and at last found it. I salute her for her patience.
Oh wait, that's perseverance, not patience. Sheesh perseverance or patience they're the same to me. But it was good that she did not buy the other pumps we saw before, because it would break her heart when she found this perfect one.
Another time, she was hunting for an iTouch case. She went to some digital fair and this one shop had the case she really liked, but she did not have an iTouch at the time yet, so never buy lah. And by the time she bought it, the fair was of course already over, and... the same process happens all over. We went in to every single shop at Low Yat just to find the case I had never set eyes on before.
I was trying my hardest to be patient throughout her iTouch case quest, and when we finally found it, I was relieved and happy as if I myself had achieved something great. WTF it was just an iTouch case. If it was me, I would have settled for anything that looks nice, instead of finding "THE ONE". I worry for her future boyfriend, IF she has a boyfriend, because she would never settle for second best. She only likes Park Hyo Shin and Brian =S
Maybe I should learn from her, to be patient, and persevere. But then again, even Edward had to wait almost a century for Bella to come along. See lah, how happy Edward and Bella now. Patience really does pay off.