Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm back to my lazy blogger mood.

It seems like nothing is going right for me. MSN is down, and streamyx connection sucks. The weather is so hot and I have another 2 weeks to work before college starts! I feel so unmotivated to do anything at all! It took me all my willpower to open this page and start typing in it. I cannot even sign in and check my email AIYOR.

My life is so boring. I wake up and go to work. I come back home from work, get online, look for FT updates, and go to bed. How come everyone else's life seems so interesting and full of colours? Mine is always the same. boring. dull. repetitive.


I'm always stuck in my room, watching YouTube, or reading people's blogs, or doing other stuffs that makes me feel worse than before. Like now. ASTAGHFIRULLAH! I'm reading a fan account from a fangirl in Thailand and that made me feel like a piece of shit. How come they can accomplish so much. How come they have such good connections. How come they have money to spend like it ain't theirs? How come - for every single thing??

And pathetic me is still stuck in this place, whining at what happened. And all I can do is read fan accounts. And ooh-ing and aah-ing at their experience. And wishing I was like them for that instance. And wishing for a lot of other things as well, as a matter of fact.


I felt like gobbling down eating a whole tub of Baskin Robbins ice cream after reading Vivienne's blog. I tell you Big Bang looks too cool for that BR ad but it's so cute! And TOP's expression OMGahhh~ I will try to make a gif out of it sometime soon if I remember

P/S: I saw my JaeHee look-a-like guy smoking lo =( I think that was why I was feeling down in the first place. Oh by the way, he was the one I said I ate lunch with the other day ._.

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